Crow a Little Bit Early

Once upon a time in medieval Italy, In the rolling hills of Tuscany, Florence and Siena were two rival city-states, they were locked in a dispute over the Chianti region. To settle it, they devised a unique competition. Each city chose a rooster whose crow at dawn would signal their riders to start racing towards each other. The meeting point would determine the new boundary. Florence chose a hungry black rooster…

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Capital Efficiency Isaac Shi Capital Efficiency Isaac Shi

Walking with Two Legs and Capital Efficiency

A few years ago, anthropologists identified Energy Efficiency as the main reason for the evolution to upright walking. The study suggested that humans walking on two legs only used one-quarter of the energy than that of the chimpanzees who knuckle-walked on four legs, providing support for the hypothesis that human bipedalism evolved due to the fact that it used less energy than walking with four legs.

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